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Gates is Funding Seven Factories for his Mandatory Vaccine

Bill Gates says his foundation is funding the construction of factories for seven coronavirus vaccine candidates. Europe is embracing his agenda where people will...

Trump Warns of Permanent Cut-Off of Funds for the WHO

COMMENT: Marty, Trump is now adopting your strategy and publishing openly his letters to the WHO. DH REPLY: Yes, it forced the WHO to come out and say they will...

Full-Blown Propaganda Now From Press

COMMENT: Yes, MSM is hyping and misleading the public on the risks of re-opening the economy. Their news (rather panic-porn) implied that countries had to shut down...

It’s Time to Investigate the Players to Prove the Public Has Been Manipulated for Personal Gain

  COMMENT: Marty; it seems you write and others do listen. I remember when you posted that China should stop buying bonds from the bankers and inform the...

It’s Time to Investigate Journalists for Inside Trading

  The Washington Post is hellbent on trying to undermine the US economy solely for politics. The death rate is really less than 1%. I just went to the doctor...

CNN Turns to Greta as a Virus Expert?

It is beyond comprehension that now a 16-year-old climate activist is suddenly also a health expert. CNN cares nothing about the country, the people it continues to...

Gates & Modi Connection from India

It has been no secret that Modi of India has been desperately trying to force his nation out of cash and into the world of electronic currency. It has long been...

COVID-19 Behind the Curtain

COMMENT: Dear Marty thank you so much for informing us all about this whole corona hoax i had real trouble understanding why you were suggesting this was a hoax in...

Social Distancing Covert Tactic Against Civil Unrest

The implementation of social distancing has clearly an entirely different intent and purpose which has nothing to do with this fake epidemic of COVID-19.  Going to...

Dr Judy Michowitz’s Video Restored

Dr Judy Michowitz’s Video was removed from YouTube as expected. This is a copy to allow her freedom of speech to be...