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Fake New & Silence Any New Achievement

COMMENT: Martin – I just watched the documentary called “Newman” on Amazon Prime, and the story made me think of you and your trials with the...

Custodial Risk in the Post MF Global Era

QUESTION: Martin: You have occasionally made short-quick comments that have made me loose sleep ! One of your past comments quipped that we equity/bond investors...

Forced Loans People Ignore Until it’s TOO LATE

QUESTION: With the private vs public debt and interest rate discussion, nobody is mentioning things like government legislation to forcing people to buy government...

The Death of Socialism

Socialism is dying because governments have made promises they cannot keep. Now when people expect that they will be there, they suddenly find the promises have...

Banning Films & Corruption

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Like many of your readers, I have been unable to watch “The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes” for months because of its ban...

Changing Laws Rather than Attacking the Corruption in Berlin

COMMENT: Germany to Decide if It Can Nationalize Private Property. The difference between National Socialism (NS/NAZI) and International Socialism (INS) exactly are...

IMF Hands $4.2 billion in loans for Ecuador for Julian Assange

The evidence of political pressure on Ecuador is surfacing. The IMF Executive Board Approved US$4.2 Billion  (435% of quota and SDR 3.035 billion) Extended Fund...

The SEC is Trying to Remove Musk But Not the Bankers. Why?

QUESTION: Is it possible the Gov’t is going after Elon Musk for his opinion on AI. It seems as though Google CEO is working with the Gov’t to collect...

The College Scandal

Olivia Jade Giannulli (left) Lori Loughlin(center) It is really interesting to see how many schools are bribed. There are even allegations against Yale. This all...

Is New York Trying to Take Over Tesla By Removing Elon Musk with the help of the SEC?

The biggest potential scandal that would take place is the consistent cover-up of the way New York courts have been used to strip any competitor in the financial...