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Government Ordering Agriculture Be Removed From Commodity Indexes

I am in Europe ahead of the May elections as the crisis begins to build. It appears that the powers that be may be talking about Global Warming to justify more...

Government Corruption in Municipalities is Off The Charts

One of the secret tools government pulls is to deny the people the right to vote on key issues they want that are often cloaked in backroom deals. Seattle is a...

Hillary’s Connections to Russia-Gate & Schumer’s Resolution to Prevent Any Investigation in the Magnitsky Act?

One of the gaping questions that have gone unanswered is why has Mueller not taken Putin up on his offer to go question the Russian intelligence officer he has...

Mueller & CNN Staged the Arrest of Stone for PR Stunt

  It very clear that Mueller is acting like any other prosecutor and is using the press for PR stunts. CNN’s reporter David Shortell claimed he had...

Police Funding Themselves by Confiscating People’s Property

The government is using Civil Asset Forfeiture to simply rob people. The numbers are in for Texas along. The police department stole $50 million in confiscations...

Yellow Vests Destroying Speed Cameras

The Yellow Vest movement is indeed spreading worldwide. In France, they are out destroying speed cameras. Most Americans are familiar only with the red light...

The Coming Political Siege Warfare of 2019

  As I have warned, the next two years are going to be an outright political siege warfare. Far more damage will be done to the United States and the...

Michael Avenatti Has been Raising Money from the Public to Fund his Actions which is now Under Investigation

Stormy Daniels has come out and publicly stated that Michael Avenatti launched a site to raise money for her defense which pays him without her permission. The...

Danby Claims “Australia needs a Magnitsky Act” for What Reason other than War?

The Australian MP Michael Danby (outgoing) is to table the “Australian Magnitski Act” which is very strange. Things like this always seem to be...