Grenfell Tower Fires Exposes Government Corruption
June 18, 2017
At least 58 people are feared to have died in the fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower this past week. Prime Minister Theresa May admitted that the government...
CorruptionComey Proves He is Part of Gang of Four Against Trump
June 10, 2017
The most telling thing about Comey is he said he did not trust Trump and “thought” he might need notes to protect himself and the FBI when speaking to...
CorruptionCorruption was Crazy during 19th Century
June 2, 2017
QUESTION: Marty, is this perhaps the most corrupt period in political history? I find Hillary’s comments outright offensive that she counts on the press to...
Corruption PoliticsThe Plot to Overthrow Trump is VERY REAL!!!!!
May 30, 2017
There is a very REAL plot to overthrow Trump led by the political establishment and aided by the mainstream press.. This is not simply speculation – this is...
Corruption Politics Press WarImpeachment Movement
May 24, 2017
The all out war going on in Washington is to get rid of Trump to prevent him from “draining the swamp” and to stop any tax reform or reform of the Deep...
Corruption Politics PressFines – Civil Asset Forfeitures – Taxes
May 23, 2017
When I was a kid, most police were kind, respectful, and actually there to protect society. Sure, there was some towns that were just greedy. My father took a local...
Corruption The Hunt for TaxesPress is Trying to Create a Stock Market Crash to Get Rid of Trump
May 18, 2017
The Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN, among others, are desperately trying to get rid of Trump to support the status quo, the deep state, and prevent any...
Corruption Politics Press Stock IndiciesDemocrats Want to Shut Down Government Until They Get Special Prosecutor
May 18, 2017
QUESTION: The Democrats are trying to now demand a special prosecutor to replace Comey and will not accept anything else and are threatening they will stop the...
Corruption PoliticsThe War Against Trump – Time to Fight Back
May 18, 2017
No incoming President in history has ever been so constantly attacked than Donald Trump. Look, he says some stupid things and nobody is perfect. Still, there is a...
Corruption Politics PressHealthcare Still a Mess
May 7, 2017
QUESTION: I read the Obamacare repeal blog. I agree with the tax part. But removing pre existing conditions and most of the coverage protections when majority of...
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