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Airlines Industry is Out of Control The incident of beating and dragging a passenger from United Airlines so United Employees can get a seat is just an...

UK & Germans Did Intercept Trump’s Phone Calls with Russia

After denying that British and other European intelligence agencies have intercepted communications between Donald Trump’s staff and Russian citizens and...

Turkey to Confiscate Gold in New Clever Way – To Help Citizens Earn Money

  The dwindling credit of Turkey and significant decline in its currency, has led to the new clever idea of confiscating gold with a smile. The Turkish Central...

Russia Demands Evidence to Support US Attack on Syria

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov telephoned Rex Tillerson concerning the attack on Syria. The minister had told Tillerson that allegations that the...

Did Trump Surrender to Deep State or is this a Civil War?

There is a civil war going inside the White House. There is the Steve Bannon clash with the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who’s taken on an...

How to Make Congress Responsible, fix Social Security & Healthcare? It’s Easy!

QUESTION:  You once said you could fix the mess in 30 days or less but they would assassinate you. How can you ever make our politicians responsible? ANSWER: The...

Censorship – Trying to Cover Up the Truth

QUESTION: I have concluded that you are the most censored analyst perhaps in history and they always said you were the guy who knew too much. I even read that in a...

Socialism Contradicts Freedom of Religion – Why Amish do not Pay Social Security Taxes

In 1935, Roosevelt introduced “The Social Security Act” which passed Congress. However, the act was described “Old Age, Survivors, and Disability...

How to Fix Gov’t in 30 days or less & Why do Smart People Avoid Gov’t

QUESTION:  You once said you could fix the mess in 30 days or less but they would assassinate you. How can you ever make our politicians responsible? My second...

Obamagate = the new Watergate? Confidence in Gov’t & Press to Decline further

Things are going to get interesting. Of course mainstream media will say this brewing scandal is fake news. Nevertheless, my sources have been talking about this...