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New York Times Partly Responsible for the Violence

  New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First...

Will Obama Pardon Hillary?

President Ford granted former President Richard M. Nixon an unconditional pardon for all Federal crimes that he “committed or may have committed or taken part...

Bill Gates – Victim of Propaganda?

  QUESTION: Once again Martin your information and explanations are top class. Indian demonetisation, supportive stories in Australian press of ending the...

Trump Fires all Lobbyists – Keeping His Word & More

Trump is keeping his word so far. He has admitted that he was part of the problem paying lobbyists to get preferential treatment. As they say, if you want to catch...

France Using Radar to Ticket Speeding Bikers

Believe it of not, France is now imposing a 10k speed limit for those riding bicycles. They are using radar guns to ticket riders. When governments need money, they...

Two Terabytes of Clinton Documents Have Vanished From National Archive – Presumed Stolen

Now two terabytes of Clinton documents while in the White House have been stolen from the National Archive. The documents stolen appear to contain memos, emails,...

Political Scandals in South Korea Spark Demand for Resignations

Political scandal have rocked South Korea with essentially the same influence peddling that the Clintons do. However, instead of praising their president as...

FBI Clears Hillary for Mishandling Classified Emails – AGAIN

FBI Director James Comey released an official statement saying that with respect to Hillary, “we have not changed the conclusions that we expressed in July...

War & Economics – Just Follow the Money

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have pointed out that both Republicans and Democrats have voted for wars and they really seem to have no differences on this issue. You...

Deliberate Leaks are being Strategically Made to Stop Clinton Inc

All our indications from behind the curtain are suggesting that there are many within the “intelligence” sector and “law enforcement” sector...