Deep State Told Obama to Prevent Trump from Ending Cold War with Russia
January 23, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do you defend Russia when they obviously tried to influence the election to defeat Hillary? You seem to be biased on this issue. Let me...
Corruption Politics Press WarTrump Goes to Work First Night
January 23, 2017
President Donald Trump on his very first night on Friday signed an executive order aimed at fulfilling one of his top campaign promises: Rolling back Obamacare....
Corruption PoliticsPharmaceutical Corruption
January 18, 2017
Here is the latest example of corrupt politicians voting in favor of their own self-interests. Bernie Sanders may be a bit fanatical, yet he has been trying to push...
CorruptionSoros Should be Banned from Hungary
January 17, 2017
I still believe that George Soros is extremely dangerous with his ideas of Open Society. Hungary’s vice chairman of the ruling Fidesz party, Szilard Nemeth...
CorruptionClinton Global Initiative – Core of their Foundation is Closing Down
January 16, 2017
The collapse of the Clinton Foundation is in full swing demonstrating that this was all really about selling influence. Given the bad press for the Clinton...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election CorruptionPolice Are Here to Extort Us – Not Protect Us
January 12, 2017
The Police gave a man in Roseville, Michigan a $128 ticket for warming his car up in his driveway. Police Chief James Berlin refuses to admit the police are out...
Corruption The Hunt for TaxesIs Trump Draining the Swamp or Filling It?
January 11, 2017
Trump has broken his word and is by no means draining the swamp — he is filling it. He has really betrayed a lot of people by his nomination of Gary D....
2016 U.S. Presidential Election CorruptionMonetary Devaluations & Cancellations
January 10, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What Modi has done here in India is far worse than what the press reports. I read your piece that this is part of a larger plan discussed...
Ancient Economies Basic Concepts Corruption Foreign Exchange The Hunt for TaxesClapper now Blames RT for Influencing the Election – Amazing
January 9, 2017
Back in March 12, 2013, James Clapper committed perjury before Congress for which anyone else would go to prison for 5 years. He did not flinch at denying that the...
Corruption RussiaPolice Giving DUI Tickets when on Pool Toys in Australia
January 3, 2017
COMMENT: Hi Martin – Police in Australia hit a new low last week charging people with DUI while floating on pool toys in Sydney Harbour claiming they...
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