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Hillary Admits Saudi Arabia funds ISIS Yet Takes Money From Them for the Clinton Foundation

Wikileaks has produced an email that shows Hillary Clinton routinely discussed things that should have been on a secure server. Hillary sent an email to her...

Norway’s Link to Clinton Foundation & Obama — Corruption to Create World War III

QUESTION:  I read your blog daily, first thing in the morning. What surprise me is your ability to see through the dust. Socrates has been of real help and thanks...

October Surprise – Hillary FIRST, America SECOND

The Hillary Clinton email scandal never ends. In all reality, one has to really question why Democrats are allowing her to run as their candidate. They seem to be...

Hillary Also Had An Undisclosed Gmail Account

Hillary also had an undisclosed Gmail account. It’s amazing how Hillary hides everything, never tells the truth, covers everything up, and yet the New York...

Obama Used a Fictitious Name to Communicate with Hillary on Her Private Server

Once a politician, always a politician. They are just incapable of telling the truth. The New York Post, who may become the American version of the British...

New York Times Proves it is the Establishment – End of Independence

The lack of integrity among the press is becoming just in your face. The New York Times published an amazing endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Saturday in hopes...

The Curse of Cash = Curse of Elitist Authors

The government has its pawns cheering the end of money. They are screaming that $1.4 trillion exists in cash and half of that is $100 bills. Justine Underhill...

Congress Commits Treason Against the People

The arrogance of Congress & NSA knows no bounds. A U.S. congressional intelligence committee issued a critical report accusing Edward Snowden of treason,...

Fed Seeks to Prohibit Companies from Merchant Banking to Promote Lending

The Federal Reserve wants to take away the ability of Goldman Sachs and other banks to invest in companies rather than acting as bankers and lending. The U.S....

President of Haiti Exposes Clintons’ Corruption Pocketing 98% of the Money Donated for Relief Haitian President has come publicly to expose the corruption of the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation. Of the...