BBC Caught Fabricating News to Start a War
November 29, 2016 The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war. This is a serious issue...
CorruptionWashington Post Keeping Up Propaganda
November 28, 2016
The Washington Post was once respected for this is where Woodward & Berstein broke the story of Watergate that took down Richard Nixon. But their endorsement of...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election CorruptionJill Stein Getting Rich Off of Exploiting The Election
November 26, 2016
The Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein officially handed in a petition Friday asking election officials in the battleground state of Wisconsin to perform...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election CorruptionForeign Governments Cutting off Funding for Hillary
November 23, 2016
Hillary supporters claimed that the Clinton Foundation was an innocent, “charitable” organization. On his proposed first day to “Drain the Swamp,”...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election CorruptionNew York Times Partly Responsible for the Violence
November 22, 2016
New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Civil Unrest CorruptionWill Obama Pardon Hillary?
November 21, 2016
President Ford granted former President Richard M. Nixon an unconditional pardon for all Federal crimes that he “committed or may have committed or taken part...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election CorruptionBill Gates – Victim of Propaganda?
November 18, 2016
QUESTION: Once again Martin your information and explanations are top class. Indian demonetisation, supportive stories in Australian press of ending the...
Banking Crisis Corruption Foreign Exchange The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsTrump Fires all Lobbyists – Keeping His Word & More
November 18, 2016
Trump is keeping his word so far. He has admitted that he was part of the problem paying lobbyists to get preferential treatment. As they say, if you want to catch...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Corruption PressFrance Using Radar to Ticket Speeding Bikers
November 8, 2016
Believe it of not, France is now imposing a 10k speed limit for those riding bicycles. They are using radar guns to ticket riders. When governments need money, they...
Corruption European Union The Hunt for TaxesTwo Terabytes of Clinton Documents Have Vanished From National Archive – Presumed Stolen
November 7, 2016
Now two terabytes of Clinton documents while in the White House have been stolen from the National Archive. The documents stolen appear to contain memos, emails,...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Corruption Rule of LawBlog Alerts
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