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Gov't Incompetence

The Surrender of Liberty in the Name of Security

QUESTION: It seems that as we get closer to a change-over of economic systems that as a society we are more willing to give up our rights to the State. Is that part...

Epstein’s Hyoid Bone is Broken which is more indicative of Murder?

The latest on Epstein is interesting, to say the least. Several bones in his neck were broken. One of the broken bones was the hyoid bone, located near his Adam’s...

Endless Cycle of Corruption

QUESTION: I read your articles on Capital flows regularly and I appreciate how you interlace different concepts together. Where is the money? European rulers...

NYC Bans Hot Dogs Adopting New Green Deal

OK. New York City can’t pay its bills and politicians think chasing Amazon out of town because they wanted a $3 billion tax break actually saved $3 billion...

Please Send this PDF to Congress, Senate & Trump to Save a Life

It is time that We the People demand reform in the Judicial System. Enough is enough. Former US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning has been thrown into...

When the US Government Wanted to Run a Brothel

  QUESTION: Is it true that the government wanted to run a brothel in Nevada? GK ANSWER: That story is indeed really humorous. It is absolutely true that the...

New York City Heading for Bankruptcy

There are New York politicians who continually try to force socialism upon society so a few can live off of other people’s money. The problem is that capital...

German Government Approves a Merger of Banks

Deutsche Bank and Commerce Bank have announced that they will begin merger talks after the government has finally approved that they can lay off workers. For those...

Global Recession & Hard Landing

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it is becoming very obvious that we are headed into a recession here in Europe. I have never felt how ominous things seem as they do right...

Government Can Be Useful Sometimes!

A mafia guy from Jersey was in prison, and his father told him he was getting too old to till the soil to grow Jersey tomatoes. The next time he was on the phone...