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Gov't Incompetence

New Zealand -WEF Favorite & the First to Fall?

COMMENT: RE: New Zealand Whistleblower Dear Martin, I live in Wellington, New Zealand. A government town, I guess New Zealand’s version of DC on a much...

Comments from New Zealand

COMMENT #1: Hi, with regards to your recent post about the arrested healthcare worker in New Zealand. he brought to light that certain batches of the vaccine were...

Confidence Declining

COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. The logic that the market commentators make is nonsense. Bloomberg wrote, “Bets on a rate hike...

Finestein Shows She Cannot Make Decisions – California’s Finest?

  It was Finestine who called Edward Snowden a Traitor. ANYONE who called Snowden a Traitor is not worthy of being even a...

CBDC & the Fall of Western Society

  QUESTION: You said that when Rome fell it took 700 years before gold coins reappeared. Are we facing something like that again? PO ANSWER: Yes, when Rome...

Illogical Ship of Fools

  COMMENT: Thank you for your private blog on interest rates. We seem to have the dumbest people in government possible. How could they sell debt when China...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Debt Ceiling

PRIVATE BLOG – The Debt Ceiling Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Yellen & Biden Should be Impeached to Save America?

Janet Yellen has become way too partisan to be a trustworthy government official. Since Biden now says he will nominate a Latina for Fed governor regardless if they...

British Government has Lost its Mind

QUESTION: The rumor was that you were considering coming to London to hold a quick update WEC. Is there any chance of that? WJ ANSWER: You have good sources. Yes, I...