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Gov't Incompetence

The Collapse of California – 2022?

See Peter Santenello’s Video on Facebook – Unfortunately This is the REAL California. They are so far to the left, there is no more rule of law. Why...

Confidence in Government in a 34 years Crash & Burn

COMMENT: The difference between Socrates and the fake pandemic or socialism or fake global warming is that people are allowed to take or leave the information...

Are Politicians Impacted by the Hawthorne Effect?

QUESTION: Martin, I want to thank you for all of your work and have enjoyed meeting you at the WEC’s and Computer event in Miami Beach that was a real eye-opener...

The Collapse in Confidence in Government Has Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I greatly appreciate all the hard work you do helping provide light to this mess all around us.  It would seem trump winning is a...

UK Destroying Families with COVID Restrictions

  This is a very sad story and how the police are acting like Nazis claiming they are just following orders. They arrest a nurse who tried to remove her mother...

The Insanity We Face

COMMENT: In response to the Blog Alert: A 20 Year-Old Tears Apart the PDR Test. There is no COVID-19 virus. There are various [flu] virus illnesses. I...

Where to Store your Metals

Many people have written in to ask about precious metals, what to buy, and where to store them. A number of people ask about storing at the Perth Mint or some...

Rising Civil Unrest in Europe – Will it Lead to Revolution

  This was the protests in Vienna, Austria. We are witnessing lockdown fatigue all over the world. Those in power hope to crush all resistance, but this will...

Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over”

COMMENT: If Gates and company are so intent on population reduction, then why not let the fake virus kill off more people? Stop masking and distancing and all the...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & The Descent into Authoritarianism

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & The Descent into Authoritarianism Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...