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Gov't Incompetence

COVID-19 Behind the Curtain

COMMENT: Dear Marty thank you so much for informing us all about this whole corona hoax i had real trouble understanding why you were suggesting this was a hoax in...

Letter to Your Politician – Worldwide

Here is the deal. Politicians may not read every letter, but they know how to count. Staff will report how many times they get a letter  pro/con on an issue, and...

Gates – the Forecast

As I have said, it gives me no pleasure to have to target an individual. I personally feel it is unprofessional, but in this case, Gates has made this a personal...

I have Reviewed Ferguson’s Code – It’s a Joke

I have been asked by a source in Britain to review the Ferguson model code for my opinion. Just so everyone has some idea, the original program used by Ferguson was...

How to Stop Bill Gates – We Need Everyone to Write NOW!

  I have very good sources as most people know. Gates must be stopped by breaking up his monopoly on Health. How do we do that? You must get out your damn pen,...

Bill Gates & his Vaccine Pressure Campaign on the World & Incompetence of Politicians

  This guy is very dangerous. He has created a health Monopoly and there is no question that some people die from vaccines and has conceded that perhaps...

Gates Admits 700,000 People May Die from his Vaccine

  Personally, I think Gates has just proven he is a psychopath. He just admitted that 700,000 people would die from his vaccine and that’s OK, its...

Ferguson Resigns After Getting Caught Secreting Sex Meetings with a Married Woman While He has Destroyed the World Economy?

Here we go. The very claimed scientist whose advice led to Boris Johnson introducing lockdown measures to combat coronavirus has resigned from his government role...

WHY is Nobody Investigating Bill Gates?

  QUESTION: Marty; Do you think Gates can be stopped? FK ANSWER: I believe based upon his conduct, Bill Gates is such an elitist he lacks wisdom. He sees the...

Why Lock-downs are Unconstitutional

I believe Republican Governor of Massachusetts is unqualified for public office. He has no idea about the Constitution nor does he really seem to even care. The...