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Human Rights

Lockdowns Intentionally Reducing Population & Crushing Economy

  Dr. David Nabarro has been vocal about the dangers of lockdowns as people have been dying of heart attacks, cancer, and other issues because they have been...

Clarification on Shutting Down Any Site They Want

The reason these companies are censoring everything that is anti-Gates/Schwab/Soros & UN is that under the law they can. Your freedom of speech is ONLY...

Never Give Up


Bolton – A Relic Who Would Create World War III in a Heartbeat

QUESTION: What do you think of Bolton & his $2 million book deal? HS ANSWER: I have zero respect for Bolton and whatever he says I would never trust. Bolton is...

What People Fled from Behind the Berlin Wall is Here Now in the West

I have received numerous emails from many readers who were once behind the Iron Curtain. They all say the same thing – what they fled from has now taken hold...

The Bias of an Impartial Jury

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right...

The World Police

The US has long had the distinction of being the “world police” who would protect citizens of other nations against human rights abuses. Now, countries like...

Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong I was in a discussion with a friend about current affairs – me, against Bill Gates and the likes and him, taking a more neutral...

Netanyahu of Israel Suggests Microchipping Kids & Mandatory Vaccines Begin

I just do not know if we are living in the middle of a B-SciFi Movie with a plot that is just absurd. Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry should use new...