Blog Immigration
Biden Administration Preparing Illegal Aliens to Rig 2022 Election
January 28, 2022
We have a major crisis brewing which appears to be why our computer has projected a Panic Cycle in 2022 and 2024 in politics, which it has not done since the...
ImmigrationBorder Crisis in Poland is the Tip of the Iceberg
November 17, 2021
There are deep concerns that an invasion from the Middle East has been deliberately encouraged by Soros and his attempt to force political change in Poland....
ImmigrationBiden Raises Cost for Senior & Medicare While Planning to Hand $450k to Illegal Aliens
November 14, 2021
I have said before when I met with the former Prime Minister of Australia trying to buy land for the people of Hong Kong and he refused to allow them to migrate...
Corruption Immigration Interest Rates PoliticsDr. Seuss Now Banned & Biden Removes The Books from Recommendation to Read
March 3, 2021
The company that publishes Dr. Seuss’ children’s books said it will stop selling six of his titles because they contain racist and insensitive images...
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