Is America Committing the Sin of Athens?
May 23, 2022
This is the growing view of the United States thanks to the Neocons who are always scheming and want nothing but endless wars because they cannot sleep at...
Geopolitical NeoconsNeocon of Vietnam War Repents
March 31, 2022
Robert McNamara (1916 – 2009) was a leading Neocon that pushed the country into the Vietnam war. He was famous for saying: “I learned early on never...
Neocons WarWhat is a Real Neocon?
March 25, 2022
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I’ve been called a Neocon, before the 2016 election, and denied it. I’m not sure Wikipedia has a correct definition, and they sure...
NeoconsMoscow Warns Biden Has Crossed the Line Where No Former President Has Ever Gone
March 22, 2022
There is little question that what the US is doing is not defending Ukraine, they are deliberately attempting to force the Russian people to overthrow Putin. Now...
Neocons WarThe Insanity of the Biden Administration – Decline & Fall of the West
March 15, 2022
The Biden Administration has been fully subordinated to the Great Reset. It is highly debatable if Joe is really doing anything. During an international crisis, he...
NeoconsUS & its Secret Biological Weapons Labs & Neocons
March 14, 2022
There are Biolabs in Ukraine funded by the US. There was never any real question if they existed or not. The rumor two days after the Russian invasion began,...
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