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World Events

$80 Trillion Derivatives Market

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has warned in its latest quarterly report that there is $80 trillion dollar in off-balance sheet dollar debt in the form...

The End of Freedom & Our Right to Even Vote

Naturally, I have received emails from those on the left and Elon Musk appears to be rising to that coveted spot of hatred once monopolized by Trump. Musk has...

How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States

It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue...


COMMENT: Thank you for all you do. Your input has guided me well. I suspect my Bank is in deep trouble. _____ bank in ____ CA. They specialize in small business....

Chaos in Brazil

  There are no coincidences in politics. The Brazil election was also rigged by the international accord seeing to seize global power for the Great Reset and...

Germany Ordering Farmers No Fertilizer

Germany is to comply virtually immediately with the EU directive to end fertilizer following the same path as the Netherlands. There is just no support in the data...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Insanity Continues

PRIVATE BLOG – The Insanity Continues Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

How Thinking has Inverted What was Up is now Down

I was in conversation with people I know in Europe. It is like the entire world has flipped upside down. This Climate Change Agenda is something far more sinister...

The War Against Nitrogen Fertilizer is More Than You Realize

COMMENT: As an ex-soldier, whilst reading your posts regarding the Right to bear arms, Nitrogen fertilizer, and Diesel fuel I suddenly got a brain warp to the past....