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World Events

The West Simply Wants War With Russia

If you dare suggest peace, you suddenly are painted as a Putin Supporter. The West simply wants war and this is really about Climate Change. Even the propaganda...

Dutch Farming Crisis

This is one of those unbelievable stories of how Climate Change is being taken to such an extreme, we will unleash a serious wave of deaths from both starvation and...

CDC Caught Manipulating Data

And here are the 15 "Adverse Events of Special Interest" the CDC listed as "Prespecified Medical Conditions" in its v-safe protocol but never...

Biden Pushes Iran into the Arms of Russia

For the life of me, whoever is writing the cue cards for Biden is clearly either deliberately trying to create World War III or is the most stupid person in the...

Trudeau Justifies Invoking Martial Law

Trudeau changed the world’s entire perception of Canada after his mishandling of the Freedom Convoy protest. Hard-working Canadian men and women demanded medical...

Queensland Senator Demands National Security Alert over WEF Global Domination Klaus Schwab has publicly boasted about infiltrating government...

Soros Confessed to Confiscating Holocaust Victims’ Assets Without Remorse

George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer in Budapest during World War II. As Hungarian Jews, the Soros family was able to evade capture by siding with the...

Climate Reparations

The United Nations proposed a new method to funnel money out of developed nations during the COP27 meeting – climate reparations. The United Nations is still...

Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for Speaking Against COVID Laws

Dr. Thomas Binder is a Swiss cardiologist with over 34 years of experience in treating respiratory infections. He received a doctorate in immunology and virology,...

FTX Deep Fake- The Funds are Gone

Over the weekend, a verified account posing as FTX founder SBF posted dozens of copies of this deepfake video offering FTX users "compensation for the...