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World Events

TikTok Ban – WAR on Free Speech

  Congress cannot agree on anything other than dismantling the First Amendment. There is no greater threat to the establishment than the uncensored sharing of...

Rumble to Build Cloud Service to Fight Censorship

The video-sharing platform Rumble is set to launch a new cloud service, which they deem a service for the “free and open internet.” Global governments are...


COMMENT: I have investigated what you have said about our Western leaders. From the US to Britain, the Balkans, France, Poland, and Germany, they all want war. I am...

Penetrating the Corona – Internet Apocalypse

The coronavirus lockdowns gave the world a glimpse of what could happen if our economy was suddenly shutdown. NASA has a space program called Parker Solar Probe...

Pope Francis Says it Takes Courage to Surrender

Pope Francis has suggested a ceasefire amid the Ukraine-Russia war after three years of destruction and tens of thousands of lives lost. “Ukraine must have...

The Collapse of a Nation Takes 13 years

In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it...

Sweden War-Mongers Ready to Start WWIII

COMMENT: Hello; I just wanted to comment that the arrays on Sweden have predicted the two-year wait for NATO, and it got it down to the month. I just wanted to say...

California v Hate – Turning Neighbor on Neighbor

They say life and death rest on the tongue, and in the case of California, your own words and thoughts can and will be used against you. CA vs Hate is a new program...

Schwab Did Not Invent Stakeholder Economics

Everyone knows I became friends with Milton Friedman. Back in 1970, Milton exposed how Stakeholder Economics was inefficient and stupid long before Schwab claimed...