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World Events

Victoria Nuland Forced to Step Down

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, Congratulations. You exposed Victoria Nuland, her sister-in-law, and her husband long before anyone. This forced us to look closer here in...

Gold v Bitcoin

QUESTION: Marty, is it time to short Bitcoin? Even the stochastic are starting to roll over. My best indicator is a crypto bug who says you are wrong and it will...

America to Welcome 4000 Released Haitian Inmates?

Haiti has been in ruin for many years, largely in part to widespread corruption and political instability that has led to various gangs claiming control over the...

Why Panera is Excluded from California’s Minimum Wage Hike

California is raising the minimum wage of fast food employees from $16 to $20 under the FAST Act. I have explained that raises to California’s minimum wage was...

Woke Identity Politics

The woke agenda has opened Pandora’s box. Governments adhering to the Build Back Better agenda are allowing children and adults to change their gender at whim....

German Health Minister Said We Need to Boost Healthcare in case of “military conflict”

I have been reporting that it is the West that wants war because the financial system is collapsing. They are reaching the point where they know that the are...

The Family Divide

COMMENT: Martin, I am at least thankful that my family is not divided over Trump, and they are starting to believe Socrates’ forecasts for 2032. Oddly, my...

American Special Forces in Taiwan for Permanent Training

Specialists from the US Army are training Taiwanese soldiers in what is described as a permanent arrangement rather than on a rotational basis, including on an...

Why War is Inevitable & the Outcome

One of the basic rules of war is that you always keep two fronts going simultaneously. The first is the obvious battlefield. However, the second is communication....