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World Events

Schwab Wants a Digital Citizenship to Use the Internet

  The World Economic Forum recently ran a Livestream with Interpol, Cloudflare, and a cybersecurity firm to discuss the upcoming cyber pandemic agenda, which...

India – People Attacking Gov’t Vaccine Nazis

  It appears that there may be yet another major cover-up going on because the people dying are alleged to be those who were vaccinated. The people seem to be...

Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s,...

Is Anything Real in the Biden Administration?

  Harris is walking up the steps pretending there is a plane. I have said before, we have no idea who is running the country but I believe the ties go directly...

The Real Danger of BigTech Censorship

  When the oligarchs assassinated Caesar and Cicero put out a never-ending onslaught against Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), Brutus (85-32 BC) issued a coin...

Why Does the Left Trust Gates but not Billionaires & Corporations?

  To me, it is astonishing that the left, who hates the rich and big corporations, will run around with masks and TRUST everything the vaccine companies and...

Civil War is Coming – GLOBALLY

  I have been in political meetings over the weekend. I cannot stress strongly enough that there are cracks appearing in this Great Reset Agenda. While Klaus...

We are in Real Trouble

  The number of teenage suicides has skyrocketed. I have spoken to fathers who moved to Florida because their boys were suicidal under lockdowns as their...

The Great California Tax Rush – The Exodus Right on Time

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, a close friend of my is a major celebrity in Hollywood. They too follow you and are joining the exodus from California. So many people are...