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World Events

Farmer Protests Rising

  People are unaware of the agenda with food and why Bill Gates has become the largest holder of farmland in the United States. There is a whole new agenda...

Archegos Capital Management Crisis

The Archegos Capital was founded by the former Tiger Management equity analyst, Bill Hwang. Archegos Capital, the “home office” hedge fund owned by...

Understanding the Persecution of John Law

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong…..this is a surprising (to me) summary, on John Law. Every piece I ever read about him, cast him as a complete scoundrel, yet you...

Riots in Rome of Tyrannical Lockdowns

We have confirmation from readers in Rome that there has been a protest in Piazza Montecitorio which began as a sit-in protest by restaurateurs and other categories...

Europe is under Control of World Economic Forum

I have received some emails from Europe saying there is no proof that Europe is being controlled by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. Here is the official...

It’s A Good Time to Die?

  The Democrats are out to end saving and passing on something for your children. I am sure those who voted for Biden simply because they hated Trump will find...

Easter and its Origin

HAPPY EASTER TO ALL While Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ in Christianity, there are those who claim that Easter bunnies and eggs are Pagan...

You Cannot Deduct Working from Home as a W2 Employee

COMMENT: Well it looks like the coronavirus is going to cause a major problem because everyone will be deducting their home offices. HL ANSWER: You better check...

The Danger of Deplatforming Trump

  I really do not care if Karl Marx had a Twitter today and was posting all sorts of things. BigTech is censoring content that they do not like. This is...