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World Events

The Outage at the Federal Reserve

The outage of the National Settlement Service and the Fedwire Securities Service, which provides issuance, settlement, and transfer services for Treasuries and...

USA attacks Iranian Interests

The United States on Thursday carried out an airstrike in Syria against a structure belonging to what it said were Iran-backed militia according to middle east...

World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation Are Main Drivers for Digital Vaccines Passports

Klaus Schwab is becoming one of the most dangerous men perhaps in modern history. His World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation are the main drivers...

Is it Taxes or Debt Default Which Cause Revolution?

QUESTION: Marty, do you agree with other analysts who claim debt defaults create revolutions? From reading your work for decades now, I think you would say it was...

Private Money

QUESTION: Marty, I found your passing comment on cash-like coupons by private stores becoming cash in the digital world. Could you elaborate? thank you as always BK...

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow a February high? & Bitcoin Update

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow a February high? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Civil Unrest in Spain for the 5th Night

Spain has imprisoned a rapper for insulting the government in his Tweets. Barcelona ​and many ​other Catalan cities, along with Madrid have been erupting in...

The Collapse of California – 2022?

See Peter Santenello’s Video on Facebook – Unfortunately This is the REAL California. They are so far to the left, there is no more rule of law. Why...

Journalism is No Longer a Viable Career & the Pharmaceutical Industry is the Least Trusted!

Journalism is no longer a viable career. Mainstream media has turned to propaganda artists who simply are like the Nazis as they claimed at Nuremberg that they were...