Many people have written in asking what is the future of the markets. While in any election, it is presumed that the right to vote belongs only to the citizens who...
Twitter shut down more than 70,000 accounts. There are a lot of conspiracy theories from child pedophilia as initiation rituals on the extreme to “this is not...
After criticizing Facebook for censorship, they banned Ron Paul, who must in Zuckerberg’s mind be a Domestic Terrorist because he does not support his...
Telegram has surpassed 500 million active users. In 72 hours alone, 25 million people have opened accounts abandoning Facebook and WhatsApp. We have ourselves...
It is clear that the police opened the doors and stood by as they allowed protestors into the Capitol. They have now charged some police for allowing people...
Now we have the FBI warning that there may be an armed assault against Biden during the inauguration. This is getting really crazy. I really hope that is NOT the...
PRIVATE BLOG – BitCoin The Crash? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
People are leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and were moving to Parlar. Google and Apple removed the Parlar APP and then Amazon kicked then off of AWS. This is...
The political implications are rather serious with the Democrats in control of everything. Aside from the New Green Deal which they will come to realize will...