The London Financial Times reported that HSBC is considering divesting US retail banking. “Executives want to submit appropriate plans to the board in...
COMMENT: Hi Martin Just thought you might be interested in this article in today’s Sunday Times in the UK – our military intelligence are going to be...
This Communist 3.0 agenda being thrust upon the world by Kaus Schwab and his supporters will lead to major violence and revolutions. Thousands have taken to the...
Global debt is exploding thanks to the deliberate COVID-19 manufactured crisis. It is approaching $280 trillion going into year-end. We should no longer call it...
Others have been writing in that they have now censored Pat Buchanan as well. It seems that anyone who they dislike is being censored. President Trump has...
COMMENT: I admit I have been a gold bug and I bought into Bitcoin. I have been following Socrates since you began forecasting Bitcoin. I want to say that it has...
The very same day they decided to censor our website I believe at the direction of Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, who is using corporate funds to further his...
The Censored Post: Interesting For the first time, I can confirm that this site is now being censored and in a desperate manner by those in technology to...
Sharyl Attkisson takes on the media’s misreporting on Black Lives Matter, coronavirus, Joe Biden, Silicon Valley censorship, and more. For the past four years,...