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World Events

Defending the Future

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I don’t know it anymore. My FEAR is back which a left behind me years ago. I’m not afraid of dying, I’m more afraid of...

The Conspiracy Runs Deep

While these people did not pull off what they claimed, nonetheless, it shows the extreme hostility that lies behind the left. We show in 2021 even with a Biden...

Mainstream Media told Not Allowed to Investigate Voter Fraud

I was just told by a journalist in one of the top 3 newspapers that they were just told NO STORIES of any voter fraud. This is pretty much confirming that indeed...

London Cops Destroying Their Own Country

  These London cops are a disgrace. The entire country has to be locked down into year-end but they can walk around with paper masks that the box even says...

Censorship is the New Norm

  COMMENT: Just to inform – as feedback – that this blog post was removed from my feed on LinkedIn. This is now the second time LinkedIn has...

UK Destroying Families with COVID Restrictions

  This is a very sad story and how the police are acting like Nazis claiming they are just following orders. They arrest a nurse who tried to remove her mother...

The Media is So Corrupt a Used Car Salesman Looks Far More Honest

  Proof that the media has become so corrupt is that Nigel Farage has formed a new party, the Reform Party, to try to save Britain. Mainstream media is...

The Police Join Protestors in Naples, Italy

This is what we need to desperately save our future. The police have to wake up and see that they are destroying, not just their own future, but that of their...

Are the Police Our Only Hope? FREEDOM!

In Australia, the police have come out against the COVID-19 scam. As a reader from Australia, Laura, has brought to our attention, NSW (Australia) cops have...

Why Smart Money will Sell Stocks in Front of a Biden Victory Because of Taxes

  A Biden victory or even a continued round of uncertainty into early December may set off a serious liquidation before year-end. The risk of a significant tax...