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World Events

Volcanoes & the Risk During Solar Minimum

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Thank you so much for warning all for what is coming ! Sorry to keep reflecting on details, you wrote :“The real issue is the threat of a VEI...

Carney of Bank of England Claims Climate Change Will Make Pensions Worthless

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is the head of the Bank of England Mark Carney using climate change to claim that pension funds will be worthless? He is just insane or a...

PRIVATE BLOG – Europe’s Negative Yielding Debt

PRIVATE BLOG – Europe’s Negative Yielding Debt Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Capital Flows & the Next ECM

QUESTION: Sir, You have advised us to avoid sovereign debt after the ECM date. I imagine that the crisis will affect nations unequally. It seems obvious that money...

The Climate Change of the 1840s

QUESTION: OK, you have shown articles from the 1930s and 1970s where they talked about climate change. So are you saying that people have always been talking about...

Tax Proposals Rising in California Again

Back in 2008, a California Socialist activist was gathering signatures in an attempt to impose a state wealth tax on the ballot that would have imposed a new 35%...

PRIVATE BLOG – Central Banks All Meet Next Week on ECM

PRIVATE BLOG – Central Banks All Meet Next Week on ECM Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Is Climate Change Dispute the Same As the Fall of Rome?

Climate Change has become a fanatical religion because there is no proof and it rests entirely on belief. This is taking on the traits of the religious dispute...

Australia Fires – Nature or Global Warming?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I have been following your blog for a number of years and enjoy your more analyzed perspective on climate change. I am not fully convinced...

European Banking Crisis Picking Up Steam

The banking crisis in Europe is expanding.  European banks have no liquidity and the negative interest rates have done so much harm to traditional banking in...