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World Events

Fake News is Spreading Worldwide

According to an Infratest poll, 38 percent of Germans consider the media politically driven and 33 percent consider the media unbelievable. Despite the fact that...

Pole Shifts & Climate Change

QUESTION: Good morning, Mr. Armstrong. Last week, you wrote about the north and south poles flipping. Has Socrates ever suggested that the earth could flip so that...

The Hunt For Taxes – Sell & Leave Before It is too late?

QUESTION: Dear MR. Armstrong, As a long time subscriber to your basic level Socrates,I’m very grateful for the guidance I’ve received.I have a question....

France Blocks Reports of Protests Against Muslim Population

  There is a rising discontent in France, which has the largest Muslim population in Europe. Many French see their language and culture as being suppressed by...

Mother of All Financial Crises

QUESTION: The distinction between the Repo Crisis and Quantitative Easing is the duration and purpose as distinguished from 2007-2009? HS ANSWER: Yes. Under QE, the...

The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed

There has been a rise in Europe of what is called the Extinction Rebellion, which boasts: “We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.”...

Is the Fed Monetizing Debt with the Repo Market? Or is this the Mother of All Financial Crises?

QUESTION: There are people claiming that Fed cannot buy directly from the Treasury and they are buying the same day issue in this Repo Crisis so that means they are...

Lagarde – ECB – Euro

The central banks are keenly aware that they cannot stimulate economic growth, although they will not state that publicly. The wheel of fortune has completed its...