COMMENT: Well, I told my wife that your models warned that it was volatility which would rise in the climate so we would see colder winters and hotter summers as...
QUESTION: Hello, I am having trouble understanding how capital flows into the US, which helped the Dow double from ’27-29 didn’t move the dollar. Instead, the...
In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is...
I have heard what I thought was every excuse for governments to raise taxes and seize money, but this is one I quite honestly thought was something too low for even...
COMMENT: This morning blog question. I concur with ROM. Here’s a perfect example. BP has just sold all its oil and gas assets in Alaska to cut its carbon...
COMMENT: You have no proof that the extreme weather from hot to cold is normal. It is humans who have created this with pollution. OJ REPLY: You seem to WANT to...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Just a little curious after reading your blog on ‘Can Anyone Really Influence Elections?’ , I was wondering if your model actually...
COMMENT: You were right Martin! Demonetization was one of the worst decisions by the Modi government, the country is now suffering from that…. economy has...
The hunt for money is moving into high gear in Germany. Prior to 2017, it was possible to buy gold anonymously in quantities up to €15,000. In 2017, this limit...
I have had some interesting conversations of late with people I would say are among the power-brokers who tend to pour money into the pockets of politicians to get...