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World Events

Finland & Japan Confirm Global Warming Data is not Supported

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Being 100% in agreement with you about Climate Change I thought you might be interested in 2 newly released research projects one from Finland...

Can the Fed really Control the Economy?

QUESTION: This whirligig talk of whether the Fed cuts rates by 25 or 50 basis points is carnival-level absurdity. Does the Fed have the “pretense of...

UK Strips 86-Year-Old of Pension because She Saved £50 a Month

An 86-year-old widow who contributed every week to her pension while working was stripped and left destitute after her local council took away her $50,000 life...

Democrats Using Climate to Create Fear Votes

Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang made a wild claim without any evidence whatsoever that “we’re too late” in addressing climate change....

Was 9/11 A Plot to Seize Power?

QUESTION: What is your view on the new demands for an investigation that there is “overwhelming evidence” that the buildings were brought down by...

3,000 People Died in French Heatwave of 2003

Back in 2003, about 3,000 people died in France of a heatwave when high temperatures swept across Europe. It was found that nearly 180 people were dying of the heat...

Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?

  Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA)...

Has the Ice in the Arctic Ever Melted Before?

QUESTION: Martin, Been reading you for years, starting when the SDNY wrongly jailed you and basically destroyed your constitutional rights, s/b a movie… what...

Did the Fed Begin Secret Bailouts in 2007 Before Anyone Knew of the Pending Crisis?

  When the GAO report came out on the Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve, it uncovered a secret $16 trillion feeding tube from the Fed structured as...

Humans Occupy Less Than 3% of the Surface of the Earth

Now the save the planet crew is demanding that 50% of all landmass be void of humans. The real fact is that 95% of the world’s population lives on less than...