QUESTION: Martin: You have occasionally made short-quick comments that have made me loose sleep ! One of your past comments quipped that we equity/bond investors...
The Global Warming conspiracy is going to seriously harm the European economy. The political intolerance for the combustion engine has German engine suppliers in a...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Mini AOC sure is funny isn’t she? Here is a tax story for you. I’m considering a summer sublet in Sedona AZ, and while I tried to...
QUESTION: Was not this move you have been talking about to happen right after the EP elections? What has changed? “While everyone will focus on interest rates, at...
PRIVATE BLOG – The Interest Rate Nonsense Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...
To the hatred of the neocons, including Bolton, Trump has explained that it was inappropriate to retaliate against Iran when 150 people would be killed for the...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am a Muslim and I have just read you War Cycle report from 2015 where you provide your forecast for this crisis we are cascading into. You...
Draghi has come out and said that is inflation will not pick up, he will do even more Quantitative Easing. I warned that the central banks, particularly the ECB,...