COMMENT: Good day from Chatham, Ontario Canada (50 miles east of Detroit 42.4048° N, 82.1910° W); Interesting your models are warning of the next year’s...
This is the winter that does not want to leave. It is still raining and snowing in California, even in May, as reported by the LA Times. We are experiencing a long...
QUESTION: Wasn’t there an income in Britain under Addington in 1803 to pay for the war against Napoleon predate the USA? Is the income tax voluntary? GH...
In 2009, Al Gore forecast that there would be no ice by 2013. The BBC reported those crazy forecasts back in 2007. I have explained many times that the...
It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a...
QUESTION #1: Sir, You stated in your blog that Fed may fix 2 and 10 year bond rates. Doesn’t this negate the yield curve concept/ credit theory? Won’t this...
QUESTION: Dear Martin, During WEC in Rome I came to understand that the issue with QE is that it did not create any inflation in the USA. On the other hand, as you...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it really distasteful that you laid out events well in advance and then everyone copies you without ever giving you credit. There are...
QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; Why the push for lower interest rates again in developed markets? You have stated the QE has been a total failure. Are they incapable of...
COMMENT: I found your comment most interesting on curiosity as the driving force being Einstein and the key for everyone to follow no matter what the field. This is...