Most employers provide vacation and sick leave. However, most employers do not allow sick days to roll over from one year to the next. The norm is to often cap at...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your movie the Forecaster was on TV here in Scandinavia. That introduced me to your research. When I discovered your film was on TV in...
The British had a long tradition of striking tokens for political purposes. There were political tokens against the American Revolution. Some pictured Thomas Paine...
COMMENT: Marty…: My respected Australian broker in Sydney, to my horror today, has, for the first time, just asked me to supply the USA Internal Revenue...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you. My parents died and left me their home in Naples, Florida. I was going to sell it but after reading you and the fact...
The biggest potential scandal that would take place is the consistent cover-up of the way New York courts have been used to strip any competitor in the financial...
There is a real crisis in the fertility rate which has fallen to such a low level that all the socialism going forward will simply collapse. What used to be the...
The results of my life research, reading every newspaper story going into the bull market of the Roaring ’20s and the Great Depression revealed that...
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong et al: Read your blogs daily with great interest & recommend them to all my friends. You’ve absolutely changed my perspective...
I am in Europe ahead of the May elections as the crisis begins to build. It appears that the powers that be may be talking about Global Warming to justify more...