The government is using Civil Asset Forfeiture to simply rob people. The numbers are in for Texas along. The police department stole $50 million in confiscations...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Isn’t Venus much hotter because its atmosphere is almost 100% CO2? GH ANSWER: No. The atmosphere of Venus is extremely dense. At the...
The total mismanagement and incompetence of government is just beyond description. The new California Governor Gavin Newsom presented his first state budget during...
I have previously written that all wars have been started by the Democrats with the single exception of the Iraq War under Dick Cheney and the Neocons. Now after...
COMMENT: Hi, Hunt for taxes is running full scale in Scandinavia. In Sweden, all vehicles including foreign registered vehicles, are obliged to pay congestion...
The Yellow Vest movement is indeed spreading worldwide. In France, they are out destroying speed cameras. Most Americans are familiar only with the red light...
The reaction from the Democrats and the mainstream media against Trump is really absurd. VOX wrote that he should not even be allowed to address the nation. They...
The Yellow Vest Movement in France is turning to an all-out war against Macron. Many are now advocating withdrawing their money from banks in order to topple...
COMMENT: Hello Martin, thanks a lot for your awesome work. I am from Germany and just wanted to let you know that the political situation here is more and more...