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World Events

TMobile Provides Government Access to Your Texts

(Click on above image for clear resolution) TMobile now has the authority to read your personal text messages. The mobile provider quietly updated their terms of...

Prosecuting Cyber Criminals

The next war will be fought through technology as one can invade through the use of technology. We have seen hackers infiltrate foreign nation’s infrastructure in...

Intel Invests $25 Billion in Israeli Manufacturing

Israel cannot lose the war. It is a vassal state created and funded by the West. Palestine’s allies simply cannot defeat the nations who have big plans for the...

Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM  

An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the...

What Kind of American Are You?

This new movie coming out in the Spring of 2024 by A24 will be a blockbuster. The line “What kind of American are you?” is such a profound question that...

Wikipedia’s Definition of a Woman?

      Wikipedia has degenerated into nothing but a government propaganda avenue. Here was their definition of a woman with the photograph of the...

It All Depends on the Military

QUESTION: Do you think we will enter a civil war? FD ANSWER: I do not think that we will be in civil war, but we do have to understand if any state tries to...

Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

COMMENT: You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine. LS ANSWER: As they say, history is written by the victor. I do not know what...

Understanding the Failure of QE

COMMENT: Thank you. That post finally opened my eyes. That’s why there has been no inflation with all the QE and negative interest rates since 2014 here in...

A Political Disaster – 2024 will be Worse

COMMENT #1: This is in regards to your blog labeled “Homelessness at All-Time High in World’s Wealthiest Nation.” My wife tried to get her Aunt, who has...