COMMENT: Dear Martin, You have pointed out several times that the agenda behind the global warming crowd is, besides taxes, also the reduction of the global...
Stormy Daniels has come out and publicly stated that Michael Avenatti launched a site to raise money for her defense which pays him without her permission. The...
The number one talk behind the curtain going around is the #MeToo movement after the Christine Blasey Ford confrontation against Brett Kavanaugh. The outright...
COMMENT: My sister lives in Chicago. She is looking to leave finally. She told me there is a 9% tax on any amusement like Netflix or PlayStation for her son. You...
The austerity measures of the EU are having a profound impact in Europe. In Paris on December 1st, 2018 (right on time with our volatility models for December)...
Woolly Rhinoceros Climate Change has existed throughout the history of our planet. When a Woolly Rhino was discovered frozen in Siberia intact back in 1774, that...
QUESTION: Did Obama throw Fox News out of the press conferences? HJ ANSWER: No. That is not true. Obama hated Fox News just as Trump hates CNN. Obama called Fox...
Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October...
QUESTION: What mechanism prevents banks from creating fraudulent electronic deposits of currency? As an IT systems admin, I have the ability to add / subtract /...