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World Events

Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been reading your blog for years now. It is obvious that you are well connected behind the curtain. It did not take but perhaps a...

Trump & Reopening Government for 3 Weeks

It is interesting to watch how the press spins the fact that Trump has agreed to fund the government for three weeks. Our computer strangely was picking the week of...

The British Press


Forecasting & Political Correctness

COMMENT: Good day; The great public pension fraud here in Ontario, Canada allowed the public service unions to endorse Liberal candidates who would give them their...

Illinois Confiscating and Selling Cars if you Owe Tickets

Believe it or not, Illinois confiscated and sold 50,000 cars because people had tickets that they could not pay. They still have to pay the banks on their car...

When will Niagara Falls Completely Freeze?

It has been a bitterly cold season. Niagara Falls became a winter wonderland as frigid temperatures cause the falls partially to turn to ice. This is not so rare...

The Clash Between Normal People & The Global Warming Crowd – Green Extremist Overlords

There is an undertone lurking behind the rise of Donald Trump in the US, the Brexiteers in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, political re-alignments in Denmark, and...

Direct Taxation Reduces Economic Growth

QUESTION: Happy New Year; Am I correct in noticing a global connection in the money supply, M1 & M2? You directed us to this long ago. The global banks have...

Inequality of Wealth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So if I am correct, you have no problem with the inequality of wealth because you have it. Correct? JS ANSWER: Let us look seriously at...

Gun Sales Surge in Germany thanks to Rapeugees

Gun sales in Germany have soared because of what they call the “Rapeugees.” Three years ago, more than 2,000 German girls were raped/sexually assaulted...