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World Events

The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

  Historically, Hitler used a very famous event that was the origin of the term “False flag” back in 1933 to reinforce his power. The German False...

Blaming Humans for Everything

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, while I concur with your views that humans are taking too much “credit” for climate change, I can’t say I agree with the...

A 19 Mile Wide Meteor Crater Discovered Beneath the Ice in Greenland

Part of the type of events which can alter the climate besides volcanoes, which tend to erupt during solar minimum, has also been meteor impacts. It has been...

Global Warming Has Nothing to Do with the Sun?

Those who have come forward and presented evidence the sun is the leading cause of global warming have been typically silenced because that result produces no pot...

Growing Food Inside

There are a number of options for growing food inside which can be considered. There are even companies that set up indoor farms for restaurants such as Farmshelf....

The Real Game of Thrones

The real Game of Thrones is already underway. The contest to succeed Mario Draghi is now officially open. The head of the European Central Bank (ECB) will leave...

California Dreaming – How to Leave & Fast

Once upon a time, they use to write songs about California Dreaming. It is now turned 180 degrees to the main dreaming in California is how to get out of the same....

The Brewing European Debt Crisis

Macron is pushing for the European Finance Minister to raise money by selling EU bonds and then distribute the money to the 19-member Eurozone. France is very...

Deutsche bank to Merge with Commerzbank Bank

Deutsche Bank is in crisis and everyone has known that. Its derivative book is hard to quantify what is the real net bottom line. The only bank it could have been...

The Fate of All Municipal Governments – Look to Peoria, Illinois

The governmental system we have is totally corrupt and it outright UNSUSTAINABLE!!!! In Illinois, the city of Peoria has been forced to eliminate 22 firefighter...