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World Events

Zelensky to Raise Taxes

The people of Ukraine have been terribly mistreated under the rule of Zelensky. The Ukrainian government is well-known for widespread corruption, with Zelensky...

Google Loses Anti-Trust Case on Searches

In what will be a landmark legal decision, a federal judge has ruled that Google has violated antitrust laws by maintaining its monopoly power in the markets for...

Massachusetts to Ban Term “Mother”

Massachusetts, House Bill 4750 will protect parents from gender discrimination by removing “mother” and “father” from birth certificates. We have reached a...

End Taxes on Social Security

The MAGA Republicans do not want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, rather, they would like to eliminate the government’s double dipping through taxation....

Will The US Go Into Civil War 2025-2026? Will 2024 Be the Last Election? What Does AI say?

  Our computer model warns that we are headed into tremendous civil unrest because those behind the curtain are NOT about to let Trump thwart their agenda of...

Republicans for Harris Confirms World War III is the Agenda

The Neocon Republicans have no problem sending Americans to their death for their personal hatreds and vendettas. The fact that they are coming out and claiming to...

War & Freedom of Speech – Then the Default

I had the privilege of knowing Normal Rockwell back in the 1970s. His most famous war poster, created to raise money for World War II, asserted that if we lost, we...

Digital Ruble 2025

Russia has announced that it will implement a digital ruble by next July. Moscow will begin using cryptocurrency for some foreign transactions to bypass sanctions...

Yellen’s Gimmick to Cut Interest Expenditures – Treasury QE

Clinton’s Gimmick Shifting to Short-term Funding to Reduce Interest Expenditures. I wrote as a guest columnist for the Wall Street Journal back on April 19,...