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World Events

Another Epstein Distraction – The Truth Will NEVER Surface

The turmoil of 2024 will be unprecedented. Scandals are certain to erupt after January 1 after a judge ruled to unseal court documents that will reveal 177...

Germany Deploys Troops to Lithuania

Germany is sending troops on a permanent deployment to a foreign nation for the first time since World War II. Germany had agreed to deploy troops to Lithuania back...

What Kind of American Are You?

COMMENT #1: Are we being forewarned? This is a trailer of a new movie to be released April 26, 2024. Can you believe this? [some trailer] Civil War |...

The Coming American Civil War?

    COMMENT: Marty, you do have more influence than you think. You are followed in LA, and what you have been writing about with us heading into a civil...

Destroying Farmland to Reduce Population

Everywhere you look, there is this scheme to reduce farming, which will reduce population. That was the whole theory of Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) that the...

Former Bill Gates’ Vaccine Scientist forecast

"What we will see is completely unprecedented in terms of magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately mortality…up to 30-40% in highly...

The Great Taking – or the Great Misconception

QUESTION: I have watched this video of David Webb, who distorts the history of the Great Depression, making it sound like the Fed was created to take all the gold...

Neocons for NATO

A Donald Trump win would be a complete disaster for the Neocons. He repeatedly stated that withdrawing from the war in Ukraine would be his first priority on day...

Putin’s Four-Hour Press Conference

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes his nation is leading the battle against Ukraine. In a four-hour televised press conference on December 14, the Russian...

2024 Election Interference – The Beginning of the End

  Congress and the UNIPARTY have authorized the  United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to continue until April, even when there have...