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World Events

Electric Cars or Else – Says Brussels by 2020

From 2020, European carmakers MUST  comply with stricter EU regulations. On average, only 95 grams of CO2 emissions per kilometer drove are permitted per car...

IMF Criticizes Germany for its Chronic Trade Surplus?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know you say you do not advise the IMF. But whatever you write, they follow and repeat. So they are following your blog at least and they...

The Healthcare Crisis Behind the Curtain – Are We Importing New Plagues?

  Charles Dickens wrote about how corrupt the courts were out of control in Bleak House published back in 1859. He began in his first chapter on Chancery:...

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?

The new European regulations are actually having an impact globally. Alex Jones’ InfoWars has been banned by Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by...

The 3rd Film on the Magnitsky Affair

    There is also a third film produced which ties Browder, Safra, Magnitsky, and Berezovksy all together and there have been critics of this as well....

Why Has the Magnitsky Film Been Banned in USA & Europe?

The Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes has been pulled from everywhere. You do not ban a film in Europe and the United States if it is wrong. This is perhaps a huge...

Government is Always Exempt from the Laws that Apply to Everyone Else

COMMENT: Thank you for opening my eyes on the hunt for money by cash-starved governments! My wife was a registered nurse in India and is attempting to get her RN...

Concern About Influencing Markets

QUESTION: Thank you very much for your blog and all the knowledge that you pas on. You are well known in many circles and I would think have great influence in the...

Magnitsky Affair & the Murder of Edmond Safra in Monaco

QUESTION: Dear Mr Amstrong, Following up on the Magnitsky Affair, you might be in a position to answer a question which has always puzzled me : Has Edmond Safra...

European Banks Lending in USA Rather than Europe?

European banks have been lending in the United States quiet aggressively because (1) the economy is doing good so there is a demand for loans contrary to Europe,...