Lawyers have brought a lawsuit against towns in Georgia for using tickets as the major revenue source to fund their pensions and budgets. The City of...
Deutsche Bank has now been classified as a problem bank by FDIC and has been included in a list of banks to be watched. This is the biggest bank in Europe....
I do not know how else to say this. Cryptocurrencies are an ASSET CLASS and they are something to TRADE. All this stupid nonsense that they will revise the...
QUESTION: Martin Thanks again for all you do. The subtext of most of what you talk about is overwhelmingly negative. Inflation, deflation, earthquakes, disease,...
In the upland region of Southern Peru, there is a volcano by the name of Huaynaputina which to this day remains one of the largest ever to erupt in South America....
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; FX Street named you forecaster of the year for your Swiss franc euro peg forecast that also nobody else saw coming. I remember you were...
The weather is still unusually cold in the north. In Newfoundland, they woke up to a foot of snow. In Iceland, they just had the coldest day in 100 years. It has...
As we head into the end of this Economic Confidence Model Wave in 2032.95, there are many trends in motions. One of those trends is the decline in religious...