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World Events

India Sets Export Restrictions on Popular Ingredient

Onions are the latest food staple facing extensive export restrictions in an effort to control domestic prices ahead of India’s 2024 national election. The Indian...

U Penn Loses Millions in Funding After Hamas Rallies

  U Penn is the latest American university to lose a major donor due to misled students supporting Hamas. American universities were the first to promote the...

South Carolina Dumps Disney

  There is no question that Disney has suffered thanks to its extreme WOKE agenda. Even NetFlix, which is considered a competitor of Disney, has...

All for Show – Pretending the Border is Closed for the Cameras

Wow! 10 minutes after Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs left the closed Lukeville, Arizona port of entry after her tour, hundreds of illegal aliens were escorted into...

The French Know How to Protest

French farmers throw manure on government buildings to protest high taxes in agricultural sector. This is an effective protest. —...

Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that...

Canada Limiting Oil and Gas Industry Emission

Canada has announced a plan to use a cap-and-trade system to impose greenhouse gas emission limits on its oil and gas industry. Under the “draft...

Senate Blocks Foreign Border Spending Package

The Senate has prevented the US government from sending billions to aid foreign wars in a 49-51 vote. Republicans demanded that protections for the US border be...

Congestion Taxes Coming to NYC

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) believes that taxation could decrease traffic congestion in New York. Vehicles will be charged an additional $15...

Climate Crowd Coming for Cooling Appliances

Davos man John Kerry is continuing to “pledge” for stricter regulations on behalf of the people after the United Nations climate change summit (COP28). He...