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World Events

Greenhouses Gases Are a Product of Civilization for Thousands of Years

QUESTION: Do you believe we are going into an ice age? ANSWER: No. At best we return to a mini-ice age and stop there hopefully. There are those who argue that a...

The Blizzard of 1899

Snowball Fight on Steps of Capital of Florida A lot of people are claiming that the extreme cold is part of Global Warming and human-induced climate change. Well,...

Just How Fast Can Things Freeze?

When the weather goes against Global Warming, they flip it into volatility and claim cold is now the byproduct of Global Warming. Al Gore’s environmental group,...

In Massachusetts – they Arrest You for failure to Renew a Dog License

Believe it or not, the town of Westminster in Massachusetts arrests people for failing to renew a dog license. The municipality issued an arrest warrant for Brian...


COUNTERPARTY RISK QUESTION:  In regard to counterparty risk when purchasing exchange traded funds or notes: With European banks being under capitalised due to...

Underwater Volcanoes Contribute to Warming Deep Water

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Maya Report and found it fascinating how volcanic eruptions in the ocean are polarized to where the North Pole is at...

Dormant/Extinct Volcano Erupts for First Time in Recorded History

Another dormant volcano has suddenly awakened erupting in a rather spectacular fashion, spewing lava for the first time in known history. It sent an ash cloud 2.1...

Snow in the Sahara Desert – 3rd Time in 37 years

Last year, the snow appeared in Spain wiping out the crops and causing rationing of vegetables. This year the snow went down even further and crossed into Algeria...

Extreme Volatility in Weather – Part of Climate Change?

QUESTION: It is crazy hot here in Sydney the exact opposite of the extreme cold in the north. Is there an explanation at all for this? ANSWER:  Most people do not...

World Debt Burden has Exceeded $230 Trillion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it interesting how you have pointed out that when it comes to public debt, the USA is actually far better than Europe or many in...