COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your computer has proven it can forecast markets, economies, the rise and fall of governments, war, and now even weather well in advance of...
What goes around, comes around. The Democrats intend to turn-up the heat on the Impeachment of Trump. That is all they have to run on in the midterm elections in...
I have previously reported that about 50% of German municipalities are insolvent. This is a global trend and we are witnessing it in the United States as well. The...
The marriage of Prince Harry with Meghan Markle, an American, presents a real nightmare for the Royal Family. Meghan is required by law to not merely pay taxes on...
COMMENT: Marty. Hi. In your article, you stated that when the unemployment goes up, they take us to war to cut down the population. True but now its different. WW2...
This winter is very cold. It has even gone down to the 40s at night in Northern Florida. There is a mad rush to run out and buy coats down here. Meanwhile, in the...
QUESTION: Hi Marty ! Happy new year! Not written in a while, but wanted to ask a private question related to the forthcoming cold period. a) How long will it...
The rally in BitCoin was a perfect 13 weeks up from the last strategic low. It peaked with the Weekly Array the week of 12/18 which was both a Panic Cycle and a...