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World Events

Obamacare is Officially Destroying the Economy & Has Reached 60% of total Retail Sales

The retail sector has been stagnant and most people are blaming AMAZON. A closer look is really required rather than the typical superficial analysis....

Australia Hates Foreigners – Now Their Property Taxes Are Doubled if you are Not Australian

New South Wales in Australia has doubled property taxes for foreign real estate buyers. Of course this violates international law, but governments are broke and...

The Risk of North Korea

QUESTION: Dear Mister Armstrong, I have been pondering the thought of Mr. Tump actually welcoming a war with South Korea since Kim Jong Eng launched the first...

Keeping 30 days Worth of Cash Applies Worldwide

QUESTION:  On Aug. 2 in your blog that you stonily recommend that everyone keep 30 days worth of cash was that just for the Eu? Thank You S ANSWER:  No. Even FDR...

Facial Recognition in Street Cameras to Increase Tax Revenues

Many cities around the world are now introducing facial recognition into their cameras which monitor the streets. In other words, the government will know who and...

Which Banks to Keep Cash Short-term

QUESTION: Hi Marty A quick question for you – given the moves afoot inside the EU are blocking bank accounts even of those with less than €100,000 , which...

Our European Tour – Part II – Seizing All Bank Accounts Throughout EU

  Many financial firms in London claim to be looking to move to Frankfurt or Paris with BREXIT. They are going to have a very rude awakening. The proposition...

North Korea Prepares for World War III

The risk of war with a true madman at the head of North Korea continues to escalate. But is he really mad, or trying to strengthen his position for negotiations...

NSA Links to Big Corporations

The NSA is also in bed with major corporations and the idea of defending the economy has turned into defending corporations. In the “Quadrennial Intelligence...

The Tensions Between France & Germany

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You commented briefly when you stepped off the stage at the door that the likelihood of war between France and Germany would rise again but...