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World Events

Policeman Jeff Payne Arrests Nurse for Refusing to Take Blood from Unconscious patient

Salt Lake City and the university that runs the hospital have settled paying a Utah nurse Alex Wubbels $500,000 for an illegal and abusive arrest by a policeman...

Alimony Deduction May Vanish

The Trump Tax Reform is in part inspired by the Flat Tax idea of lowering the rate and eliminating deductions. Alimony, or spousal support, is often part of divorce...

Ferguson Riots Have Another Face – Police Raise 23% of Revenue in Fines

The town of Ferguson made headlines as riots appeared. Who will not forget the police with military gear acting like an invading army. Many supported the police...

Trump’s Tax Reform

    These days, US President Donald Trump is pushing his number one agenda of his term in office – major tax reform. Trump has been meeting with...

Choosing the Fed Chairman

Many expect Mr. Jerome H. Powell to be President Trump pick for Fed Chairman. Trump is resisting pressure by conservatives to make a larger change at the Fed. Many...

Towns Resorting to Extortion of Drivers to Raise Money

  I have written about the abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture laws in the United States, which have mimicked now in Europe. Police are no longer used to protect...

Did NY Times Say Thomas Edison Should be Hanged for Inventing Stuff?

At the peak of the Economic Confidence Model 1878.15 (February 24th), the Public Wave before the Private Wave that peaked in 1929, technology was...

Political Prosecutions in Full Swing

Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, was indicted on charges of money laundering and conspiracy against the United States. This is a...

Do You Really Think Politicians Can Stop Climate Change?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It appears that politicians are attributing any change in the climate to human activity. They have simply either gone mad or just...

Cars Sales Dropping as Taxes Rise

The demand for cars has been declining rapidly in Britain and that is impacting German car sales rather sharply. All price levels in cars have been declining, not...