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World Events

City of Seattle Runs Out of Things to Tax – Now Wants to Impose Income Tax

The Seattle City Council has run out of things to tax so they have unanimously voted to impose an income tax upon the “rich”, and of course we all know...

There is Now Enough Evidence to Indict Comey or Snowden Should be Pardoned

Comey is as guilty as Hillary for treating government work product including top secret information as personal. Comey, just like Hillary, claimed the memos were...

The Destruction of Hamburg is Massive

The destruction of Hamburg has been massive as photographed by DWN. There is much going on behind the scenes politically with the focus now on intensely monitoring...

The Survival of the People Always Depends Upon the Army

The Reuters Editor’s Choice picture demonstrates what I have been saying about revolution. When the army defends the corruption of politicians, there will be...

The Pension Crisis – & – The Crash & Burn

QUESTION:  Hi Marty – Question: You have blogged about the pension crisis and how Illinois and California on the brink of bankruptcy. Does this mean that...

France Agrees to Pay All Costs for Turkey to Sign Paris Climate Accord

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would not ratify the Paris Climate Accord unless Europe paid all costs to Turkey. France agreed to pay Turkey...

Germany Pensions System Crisis

The German publication DWN has come out and warned that the German Pensions system is collapsing. They wrote: The core problem of the German economy and society is...

German Secretary Economics Warns Low Interest Rates Have Failed

The German Secretary General of the Economic Council of the CDU, Wolfgang Steiger,  has highlighted the growing economic crisis in Europe. The negative interest...

G20 Hamburg Protest was Closer to the Start of Civil War

  There is a rumor going around that the extreme violent protests in Hamburg, which resembled a Civil War, were allegedly  funded by Soros. It is just a...

G20 Leftist Protesters Turning Violent

The left is engaging in violent protests at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. Both the police and G20 opponents were mutually responsible for the escalation of...