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World Events

Britain Under Attack – Exiting EU is Only Choice

As we approach June 8th and the elections in Britain, one must wonder how is Britain going to remain inside the EU. The British never voted on allowing the refugees...

Kathy Griffin Blames Trump for Being Fired – She is Really Sick

Comedian Kathy Griffin is a very sick individual. While she apologized only because she has lost perhaps her career sponsorships and jobs, including her role as...

CNN Refuses to Confess Its Bias

It is very interesting that CNN has fallen from the number one news station to dead last. Their bias is so outrageous and they have ceased being a valid news...

Corruption was Crazy during 19th Century

QUESTION: Marty, is this perhaps the most corrupt period in political history? I find Hillary’s comments outright offensive that she counts on the press to...

Sweden Begins Drafting for its Military

The Swedish government has declared that they will begin drafting those born in 1999 for military service. This reintroduction of military conscription is being...

People’s Bank of China Moves Against Shorts

It was only last week that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) was rumoured to be competing in the currency market, which was coincidentally followed by a...

If You Want To Know Why Civil War Is Possible Just Look At This

While Kathy Griffin apologizes for going tooooo far, that is obviously only because of the flack she got for even doing this photo. If it were Obama, she would be...

When Does Buying Gov’t Bonds Support Corrupt Governments?

The president of Venezuela’s opposition-run Congress led by Julio Borges came out and accused Goldman Sachs of “aiding and abetting the country’s...

Will the Next Revolution Include the Press and Journalists as Part of the Corruption?

I was standing in line in a phone store and the two women in front of me were talking about the press and how dishonest they are. The interesting thing was one did...

2017 Cycle of War – Civil Unrest & Revolutions Now Available

This 2017 edition of the Cycle of War is the third in a series. This one is focused upon the Civil Unrest and how this is the source of Revolution. This turning...