While Kim Jong Un has met his match when it comes to rhetoric and CNN is doing its best for blaming Trump, despite Kim saying that Trump was “driving the...
Behind the Curtain, there seems to be no government going completely nuts more so than Australia. They are doubling taxes on all foreigners who own property,...
I have warned in the Cycle of War reports that for whatever reason, August is always the number one period where war tends to begin. Indeed, the world is...
The United States for the first time in a very long time, won a major victory in the United Nations. The Security Counsel unanimously approved sanctions...
The retail sector has been stagnant and most people are blaming AMAZON. A closer look is really required rather than the typical superficial analysis....
New South Wales in Australia has doubled property taxes for foreign real estate buyers. Of course this violates international law, but governments are broke and...
QUESTION: Dear Mister Armstrong, I have been pondering the thought of Mr. Tump actually welcoming a war with South Korea since Kim Jong Eng launched the first...
QUESTION: On Aug. 2 in your blog that you stonily recommend that everyone keep 30 days worth of cash was that just for the Eu? Thank You S ANSWER: No. Even FDR...
Many cities around the world are now introducing facial recognition into their cameras which monitor the streets. In other words, the government will know who and...