While the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop Trump along with Republican political elites such John McCain, and the shadow elites fund protests,...
The ECB is living itself in La La Land. It is demanding that British Banks wishing to do business inside the Eurozone after BREXIT must obtain a license. While this...
I have warned that rates will rise BECAUSE the Federal Reserve will be criticized if they fail to do so when they are faced with a stock market that is rising....
The singer Lana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency. She Tweeted: “At the stroke of midnight, Feb 24, March 26,...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My family have been lifelong democrats and operated a small local business. We were never in the multi-million dollar class, but always...
The Pension Crisis on the horizon is far worse than anyone can imagine. This is the final straw that will break the back of socialism the same as communism fell....
The debt deal struck by President Barack Obama and the then House Speaker John Boehner back in October 2015, was done purposefully to ensure that the debt crisis...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXxGPDBRUzs They say that knowledge is power. This is why the media has been engaging in outright propaganda and they hate Trump for...