While today is know as Pi Day, tomorrow is the fateful Ides of March and indeed to Trump we must say – Beware! It clearly appears that the Treasury has been...
QUESTION: Hugo Salinas Price raised the introduction of silver as a duel currency in Mexico. The 1 ounce coin with no number of pesos listed on it (possible no...
QUESTION: Do you think there is evidence that Obama did a wiretap of Trump Tower? ANSWER: No! Trump used the term “wiretap” as it used to be that way 20...
The Wikileaks Vault 7 of the CIA espionage has exposed the fact that they are spying on every individual in Germany from Frankfurt. Here is yet another blow...
The Trump administration moved on Friday to sweep away virtually all of the remaining vestiges of the Obama administration prosecutors at the Justice Department....
This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but...
Wikileaks has published Vault 7 which contained thousands of documents. Wikileaks now says the CIA has hacked into Apple and Android smartphones, Windows computers...
The political world is melting down. The press is so bought and paid for and lost all sense of impartial reporting just the news. All I can say is this is the...