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World Events

Project Veritas to release leaked Film of Fake News from Inside CNN?

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas claims it has “hundreds of hours of tape from within the establishment media”  that will expose just how fake...

Unbelievable How Mainstream Media Has Become Just Liars

  Thomas Friedman of the New York Times demonstrates why mainstream media is just becoming so bought and paid for. You have to wonder if they should not be in...

The Woman’s March

QUESTION: Didn’t Madonna advocate blowing up the White House? You haven’t commented on that. ANSWER: While Madonna’s speech at the Woman’s...

Advocating the overthrow of Government is a Crime

The comedian Sarah Silverman, who spoke at the DNC National Convention for Hillary, tweeted that her 10 million followers should “wake up & join the...

Democrats in Civil War Against Obama’s OFA?

Of course the brainwashed Democrats send in emails saying Obama is not behind the shenanigans of civil unrest. They just prefer to blame everyone but themselves and...

Riots Are Now A Contagion & Spread to Sweden

The riots in France against police have now spread becoming a contagion of civil unrest in Europe as youth attack police now in Stockholm’s Rinkeby...

The Total Lack of Common Sense

QUESTION: Martin – Given your compelling elucidation of the business cycle (which remains ineluctable even with central bank and regulatory distortion of...

Sovereign Debt Crisis – Cycle Due 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin It’s been 30 years since I first saw you speak and this year I’m taking my son to Orlando to see you for the first time. How time...

Civil Unrest Tears France Apart The civil unrest in France which began in Paris has led to riots in some parts of the capital that...

The Left is Intentionally Creating a Coordinated Revolution

The left is intentionally fighting to remain relevant. I have written before how there is a global coordination among the left to rule the world and I am NOT one of...